Catherine Pelachaud
- Directrice de recherche CNRS
- Équipe: ACIDE
- Bureau: J019
- Email: catherine.pelachaud@sorbonne-universite.fr
- Telephone:0144277129
- Addresse: 4 place Jussieu
- Site web: http://pages.isir.upmc.fr/~pelachaud/
Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. Simulating Patient Oral Dialogues: A Study on Naturalness and Coherence of Conditioned Large Language Models. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep 2024, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1145/3652988.3673923⟩. ⟨hal-04872527⟩
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- Anh Ngo, Dirk Heylen, Nicolas Rollet, Catherine Pelachaud, Chloé Clavel. Exploration of Human Repair Initiation in Task-oriented Dialogue : A Linguistic Feature-based Approach. SIGDIAL 2024 - 25th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Sep 2024, Kyoto, Japan. pp.603-609. ⟨hal-04745323⟩
- Téo Guichoux, Laure Soulier, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?. International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, ACM, Sep 2024, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-04758967v2⟩
- Téo Guichoux, Laure Soulier, Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud. 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?. 2024. ⟨hal-04764869⟩
- Yingqin Hu, Capucine Brillet, Bosko Rajkovic, Gauhar Rustamova, Chiara Mazzocconi, et al.. Laughter in the cradle: A taxonomy of infant laughables. Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Sep 2024, Trento, Italy. ⟨hal-04762730⟩
- Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. Seeing and Hearing What Has Not Been Said: A multimodal client behavior classifier in Motivational Interviewing with interpretable fusion. 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2024), May 2024, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1109/FG59268.2024.10581979⟩. ⟨hal-04761785⟩
- Comité Ethique, Christine Noiville, Catherine Pelachaud, Patrice Debré, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, et al.. COMETS Opinion 2024-46 - “The phenomenon of attachment to "social robots". A call for vigilance among the scientific research community". CNRS COMETS. 2024. ⟨hal-04702388⟩
- Comité Ethique, Catherine Pelachaud, Patrice Debré, Christine Noiville, Raja Chatila, et al.. COMETS Avis 2024-46 Le phénomène d’attachement aux robots dits « sociaux ». Pour une vigilance de la recherche scientifique. 2024-46, CNRS COMETS. 2024. ⟨hal-04692480⟩
- Yann Munro, Isabelle Bloch, Mohamed Chetouani, Catherine Pelachaud, Marie-Jeanne Lesot. Sémantique agrégative graduelle pour les systèmes d'argumentation bipolaires pondérés. Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, Jul 2024, La Rochelle, France. ⟨hal-04648004⟩
- Téo Guichoux, Laure Soulier, Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud. Investigating the impact of 2D gesture representation on co-speech gesture generation. Workshop Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions (WACAI), Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04758979⟩
- Téo Guichoux, Laure Soulier, Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud. Investigating the impact of 2D gesture representation on co-speech gesture generation. WACAI, Jun 2024, Bordeaux & Online, France. ⟨hal-04626335⟩
Alexandra de Lagarde, Fabien Boucaud, Louise P Kirsch, Indira Thouvenin, Catherine Pelachaud, et al.. Paving the way for social touch sonification: behavioral studies and applications in virtual reality. 18th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC 2024), Jun 2024, Naples, Italy. ⟨hal-04771298⟩
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- Quitterie Pilon, Catherine Pelachaud, Laura Cohen, Ghiles Mostafaoui. Gravité et contrôle sensori-moteur des adaptations rythmiques. Workshop sur les “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions” (WACAI ’24), Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04915414⟩
- Grégoire Richard, Fabien Boucaud, Indira Mouttapa Thouvenin, Catherine Pelachaud. Qualification des Modalités du Toucher Social dans les Interactions Humain-Agent en Réalité Virtuelle. Workshop sur les “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions” (WACAI 2024 ), Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04915421⟩
- Nezih Younsi, Catherine Pelachaud, Laurence Chaby. Génération par diffusion conditionnelle de comportements non-verbaux pour les entretiens motivationnels. WACAI ’24 - Workshop sur les “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions” (ACAI), Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04613537⟩
- Anh Ngo, Chloé Clavel, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Rollet. Multimodal models of repair in social human-agent interactions. WACAI 2024: Workshop Affect, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions, Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04630089⟩
- Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. Étude en Cours : Évaluation de la Capacité des Modèles de Langage à Simuler le Discours de Patients lors de Thérapies: Impact du Fine-Tuning et du Conditionnement. WACAI 2024 - Workshop sur les “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions”, Jun 2024, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-04909831⟩
- Nezih Younsi, Catherine Pelachaud, Laurence Chaby. Diffusion models for virtual agent facial expression generation in Motivational interviewing. International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Jun 2024, Genoa Italy, Italy. ⟨hal-04604194⟩
Malika Auvray, Alexandra de Lagarde, Fabien Boucaud, Louise P Kirsch, Indira Thouvenin, et al.. Sonifying tactile interactions and their underlying emotions: experimental studies and applications in virtual reality.. 7th European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN 2024), May 2024, Ghent, Belgium. ⟨hal-04771379⟩
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- Nezih Younsi, Catherine Pelachaud, Laurence Chaby. Beyond Words: Decoding Facial Expression Dynamics in Motivational Interviewing. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), May 2024, Turin (IT), Italy. pp.2365-2374. ⟨hal-04584039⟩
- Remi Poivet, Alexandra de Lagarde, Catherine Pelachaud, Malika Auvray. Evaluation of virtual agents’ hostility in video games. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2024, ⟨10.1109/TAFFC.2024.3390400⟩. ⟨hal-04771195⟩
- Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. Generating Unexpected yet Relevant User Dialog Acts. 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2024), Sep 2024, Kyoto, Japan. pp.192-203, ⟨10.18653/v1/2024.sigdial-1.17⟩. ⟨hal-04761805⟩
- Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. EMMI -- Empathic Multimodal Motivational Interviews Dataset: Analyses and Annotations. 2024. ⟨hal-04634808⟩
Fabien Boucaud, Catherine Pelachaud, Indira Thouvenin. "\"It patted my arm\": Investigating Social Touch from a Virtual Agent". HAI '23: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Dec 2023, Gothenburg Sweden, France. pp.72-80, ⟨10.1145/3623809.3623853⟩. ⟨hal-04388996⟩
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- Vladislav Maraev, Chiara Mazzocconi, Christine Howes, Catherine Pelachaud. Towards investigating gaze and laughter coordination in socially interactive agents. The Eleventh International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2023), Dec 2023, Gothenburg (Sweden), Sweden. ⟨10.1145/3623809.3623968⟩. ⟨hal-04415493⟩
- Takeshi Saga, Jieyeon Woo, Alexis Gerard, Hiroki Tanaka, Catherine Achard, et al.. An Adaptive Virtual Agent Platform for Automated Social Skills Training. ICMI '23: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, Oct 2023, Paris France, France. pp.109-111, ⟨10.1145/3610661.3620662⟩. ⟨hal-04293269⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Michele Grimaldi, Catherine Achard, Catherine Pelachaud. Conducting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with an Adaptive Virtual Agent. ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep 2023, Wursburg, Germany. ⟨10.1145/3570945.3607334⟩. ⟨hal-04293351⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Michele Grimaldi, Catherine I Pelachaud, Catherine Achard. IAVA: Interactive and Adaptive Virtual Agent. 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2023), Sep 2023, Würzburg, Germany. ⟨10.1145/3570945.3607326⟩. ⟨hal-04293348⟩
- Remi Poivet, Catherine Pelachaud, Malika Auvray. The influence of conversational agents’ role and behaviors on narrative experiences. ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep 2023, Würzburg, Germany. ⟨10.1145/1234567890⟩. ⟨hal-04293357v2⟩
- Liu Yang, Catherine Achard, Catherine Pelachaud. Now or When? Interruption timing prediction in dyadic interaction. ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep 2023, Wursburg, Germany. ⟨10.1145/3570945.3607293⟩. ⟨hal-04293352⟩
- Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. I-Brow: Hierarchical and Multimodal Transformer Model for Eyebrows Animation Synthesis. Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2023, Aug 2023, Copenaghe, Denmark. pp.435-452, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-35894-4_33⟩. ⟨hal-04293273⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Liu Yang, Catherine Pelachaud, Catherine Achard. Is Turn-Shift Distinguishable with Synchrony?. Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2023, Aug 2023, Copenaghe, Denmark. pp.419-432, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-35894-4_32⟩. ⟨hal-04293280⟩
Malika Auvray, Alexandra de Lagarde, Louise P Kirsch, Catherine Pelachaud. Social touch at a distance: Recognizing tactile gestures and their emotional content through auditory signals. Festival of Touch, Rochelle Ackerley, Jul 2023, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-04304892⟩
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- Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. Zero-shot style transfer for gesture animation driven by text and speech using adversarial disentanglement of multimodal style encoding. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 6, pp.:114299. ⟨10.3389/frai.2023.1142997⟩. ⟨hal-04293262⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Catherine Pelachaud, Catherine Achard. ASAP: Endowing Adaptation Capability to Agent in Human-Agent Interaction. IUI '23: 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Mar 2023, Sydney NSW Australia, Australia. pp.464-475, ⟨10.1145/3581641.3584081⟩. ⟨hal-04293272⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Catherine Pelachaud, Catherine Achard. Reciprocal Adaptation Measures for Human-Agent Interaction Evaluation. 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2023, Feb 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨hal-04293365⟩
- Mireille Fares, Michele Grimaldi, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. Zero-Shot Style Transfer for Gesture Animation driven by Text and Speech using Adversarial Disentanglement of Multimodal Style Encoding. 2023. ⟨hal-03972415⟩
- Mireille Fares, Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud. Zero-Shot Style Transfer for Multimodal Data-Driven Gesture Synthesis. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2023, Workshop on Socially Interactive Human-like Virtual Agents, Jan 2023, WAIKOLOA (Hawaii), United States. ⟨hal-03972560⟩
Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud, Louis-Philippe Morency, Rachael Jack, Ryo Ishii. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Socially Intelligent human-like Virtual Agents (SIVA 2023). 2023. ⟨hal-04009032⟩
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- Jieyeon Woo, Liu Yang, Catherine Achard, Catherine Pelachaud. Are we in sync during turn switch?. 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Jan 2023, Waikoloa Beach, United States. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/FG57933.2023.10042799⟩. ⟨hal-04032711⟩
- Jieyeon Woo, Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Catherine Achard. AMII: Adaptive Multimodal Inter-personal and Intra-personal Model for Adapted Behavior Synthesis. 2023. ⟨hal-04293258⟩
- Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. META4: semantically-aligned generation of metaphoric gestures using self-supervised text and speech representation. 2023. ⟨hal-04293244⟩
- Remi Poivet, Mélanie Lopez, Catherine Pelachaud, Malika Auvray. The influence of conversational agents' role and communication style on user experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1266186⟩. ⟨hal-04298751⟩
- Celso de Melo, Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, Catherine Pelachaud. Social Functions of Machine Emotional Expressions. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2023, 111 (10), pp.1382-1397. ⟨10.1109/JPROC.2023.3261137⟩. ⟨hal-04293243⟩
- Lucie Galland, Catherine Pelachaud, Florian Pecune. Seeing and hearing what has not been said; A multimodal client behavior classifier in Motivational Interviewing with interpretable fusion. 2023. ⟨hal-04293266⟩
- Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin. TranSTYLer: Multimodal Behavioral Style Transfer for Facial and Body Gestures Generation. 2023. ⟨hal-04293264⟩
- Lucrezia Tosato, Victor Fortier, Isabelle Bloch, Catherine Pelachaud. Exploiting temporal information to detect conversational groups in videos and predict the next speaker. Pattern Recognition Letters, In press, ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2023.10.002⟩. ⟨hal-04293240⟩
- Liu Yang, Catherine Achard, Catherine Pelachaud. Multimodal classification of interruptions in humans’ interaction. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI, 2022, Bangalore, India. ⟨10.1145/3536221.3556604⟩. ⟨hal-03845959v2⟩
Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud, David Traum. The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents: 20 years of Research on
Embodied Conversational Agents, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and Social Robotics
Volume 2: Interactivity, Platforms, Application. ACM, 1, 2022, ⟨10.1145/3563659⟩. ⟨hal-03999534⟩
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Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud, Elisabeth André, Ruth Aylett, Timothy Bickmore, et al.. Challenge Discussion on Socially Interactive Agents: Considerations on Social Interaction, Computational Architectures, Evaluation, and Ethics. The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents: 20 years of Research on Embodied Conversational Agents, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and Social Robotics Volume 2: Interactivity, Platforms, Application, 1, ACM, pp.561-626, 2022, ⟨10.1145/3563659.3563677⟩. ⟨hal-03999548⟩
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