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Equality-parity mission

ISIR’s equality and parity is in line with the more general policy of our main supervisors, Sorbonne University and the CNRS.

– Sorbonne University : https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/universite/nos-engagements/la-mission-egalite

– CNRS : https://mpdf.cnrs.fr

– INS2I : https://www.ins2i.cnrs.fr/fr/parite-egalite-femmes-hommes

Equality mission – fight against discrimination 

ISIR is committed to equality between women and men and to the fight against discrimination. 

Through its commitments, ISIR has the following missions:

– Ensure that equality between women and men is respected in recruitment and career development, 

– To help and guide the victims or witnesses of gender-based discrimination, 

– Raise awareness of gender equality issues among all staff,

– Promote the necessary actions to fight against sexual and gender-based harassment and gender-based violence.

Equality-parity referent at ISIR : Awatef Barra

Assisted by: Ignacio Avellino ; Waël BachtaBaptiste Caramiaux ; Julien Delage ; Océane Dubois  ; Catherine Pelachaud ; Silvia Tulli

Contact : parite(at)isir.upmc.fr

– La bande dessinée “Les décodeuses du numérique” – Télécharger

Missions égalité Sorbonne UniversitéTélécharger

Vers l’égalité femmes-hommes ? Chiffres clésTélécharger

– La cellule signalements du CNRS  – Télécharger

The international campaign ORANGE THE WORLD at the initiative of UN Women begins each year on the 25th of November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) with ORANGE DAY, for 16 days of action against violence against women, until the 10th of December (International Human Rights Day).

Created in 1991 this global movement has been wearing the color orange since 2014. Thus, the Orange The World campaign aims to encourage all actors of civil society to mobilize in awareness-raising actions, to create a space for discussion around the issues and solutions to violence, and finally to raise funds to end violence.

ISIR supports the fight against violence against women with UN Women. On the occasion of ORANGE DAY, ISIR invites its members to wear the color orange!

For the 3rd year running, on Tuesday November 28, 2023, ISIR members wore the color orange in support of the campaign.

To mark Women’s Rights Day on 8 March, ISIR’s gender equality unit presented its members with a photo exhibition highlighting the female profiles who make a significant contribution to our laboratory. By highlighting these female profiles, we wanted not only to recognise their work, but also to encourage more women to pursue careers in research.