Discover ISIR

Our teams composed of researchers from various disciplines, around objects, applications and shared scientific matters within the two major challenges of robotics: interactivity with human persons and autonomy.

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The advent of artificial intelligences and robots is inducing profound transformations in our societies. ISIR researchers help to anticipate them by working on the autonomy of machines and their ability to interact with human beings.

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Discover all the job, internship, PhD and post-doctorate offers of the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics.

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En ce moment

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Fête de la Science 2024 : Découvrez la recherche en robotique à l’ISIR

La Fête de la Science, événement national annuel, célèbre la recherche scientifique à travers des rencontres entre les chercheurs, chercheuses, enseignants-chercheurs et enseignantes-chercheuses et les publics dans des formats multiples et conviviaux. La Fête de la Science 2024 à Sorbonne Université aura lieu du 8 au 13 octobre sous le…
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Visite insolite du CNRS : Assistez à un entrainement du Cybathlon, le championnat pour sportifs augmentés !

Découvrez les coulisses du Cybathlon et rencontrez nos équipes et leur pilote ! Le Cybathlon est une compétition internationale où des équipes du monde entier se confrontent en utilisant des technologies d’assistance de pointe. Les participants, appelés « pilotes », sont des personnes en situation de handicap qui utilisent ces technologies…
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Visite insolite du CNRS : Venez tester une technologie Cybathlon pour les aveugles, le championnat pour sportifs augmentés !

Venez rencontrer en exclusivité les membres de l’équipe A-Eye de l’ISIR, en lice pour la compétition internationale du Cybathlon ! Le Cybathlon est une compétition internationale où des équipes du monde entier se confrontent en utilisant des technologies d’assistance de pointe. Les participants, appelés « pilotes », sont des personnes en…
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Exploring fine tactile interactions

Thomas Daunizeau, a recent graduate, completed his doctoral thesis entitled “Fine Tactile Interactions: Bio-tribology, Soft Robotics, and Metamaterials” at ISIR, Sorbonne University. Supervised by Professors Vincent Hayward and Sinan Haliyo, his work has opened new avenues for understanding and applying the sense of touch. Investigating the properties of matter…
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Enchanted Tools delivers its first robot to ISIR

Enchanted Tools, the French start-up specialising in robotics and AI, is proud to announce the first delivery of its robot to ISIR. This event represents an important step in the history of the Paris-based start-up, demonstrating the confidence placed in it by ISIR, an entity under the auspices of…
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Homage to Vincent Hayward: scientific workshop on haptics at Sorbonne University

On 28 June 2024, a scientific workshop was held at Sorbonne University in honour of Vincent Hayward, a pioneer in the field of haptics. The event, organised two days before the start of Eurohaptics 2024 at the initiative of ISIR members, brought together researchers, academics and industry professionals to…
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ISIR rises to the challenges of the TOM France 2024 Hacktahon

On 8 and 9 July 2024, several members of ISIR took part in the third TOM France Hackathon. As members of 16 project teams, they used their skills in robotics and artificial intelligence to meet the challenges identified by the disabled project leaders. To do this, the teams had…
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Back to the ISIR Party: a day of science and sharing

On Wednesday 3 July 2024, ISIR celebrated its annual “ISIR Party”. This event brought together the entire laboratory community for a day rich in exchanges and convivial moments. The day began with a General Meeting, a key moment for taking stock of the past year and discussing future projects….
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Controlling our attention in the digital age

How do social networks influence our attention? This question is at the heart of a great deal of recent research. For some years now, experts in economics and sociology have been exploring what is known as the “attention economy”. This business model, adopted by digital platforms such as Google,…
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Source de l’article : CNRS Innovation MovaLife développe une solution robotisée conçue pour optimiser le flux de travail et améliorer l’efficacité des laboratoires de fécondation in vitro (FIV). De minuscules robots contrôlés à distance rendent les manipulations en laboratoire plus faciles. Une promesse pour augmenter le taux de réussite…