The ISIR federative projects: innovative solutions to societal challenges
ViewDopamine and motivation: a scientific advance on the brain mechanisms of action
ViewISIR joins forces to “Orange the World” and combat violence against women
ViewRODEO project: A step towards tomorrow’s surgery thanks to artificial intelligence and robotics
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Our teams composed of researchers from various disciplines, around objects, applications and shared scientific matters within the two major challenges of robotics: interactivity with human persons and autonomy.
The advent of artificial intelligences and robots is inducing profound transformations in our societies. ISIR researchers help to anticipate them by working on the autonomy of machines and their ability to interact with human beings.
Discover all the job, internship, PhD and post-doctorate offers of the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics.
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David Cohen, un mariage réussit entre psychiatrie, informatique et robotique
Source de l’article : CNRS Sciences Informatiques David Cohen est professeur à Sorbonne Université et chef du service de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent de l’hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière à Paris. En tant que membre de l’ISIR, il mène des recherches à la frontière entre psychiatrie, robotique et apprentissage automatique….
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The ISIR federative projects: innovative solutions to societal challenges
The federating projects bring together the skills of several teams around common scientific objectives. These strategic initiatives tackle interdisciplinary issues, combining expertise in robotics, human interaction and advanced technologies to address societal challenges. Here are three examples of this collaborative approach. Robotic learning for mobile manipulation and social interaction…
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Dopamine and motivation: a scientific advance on the brain mechanisms of action
A team of researchers led by Bruno Delord, researcher at ISIR and professor of computational neuroscience at Sorbonne University, in collaboration with Philippe Faure, CNRS research director at the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Industrielle de la Ville de Paris (ESCPI), and Jérémie Naudé, CNRS research fellow at the…
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ISIR joins forces to “Orange the World” and combat violence against women
Once again this year, ISIR is getting involved by taking part in UN Women’s international “Orange the World” campaign, as part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign against gender-based violence against women and girls. On Monday 25 November 2024, members of the laboratory proudly wore the colour orange,…
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RODEO project: A step towards tomorrow’s surgery thanks to artificial intelligence and robotics
RODEO ANR project – Robust deep learning for surgical robotics Robot-assisted surgery is becoming increasingly common for delicate operations, particularly in the field of spine surgery, where precision is crucial. At ISIR, a robotic platform is already dedicated to this type of surgery, enabling surgeons to manipulate a sophisticated…
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The Science in pictures
Discover the seven ISIR research projects that are part of the SUAVES scientific outreach programme, designed to open the doors of fundamental research to the general public. Supported by Sorbonne University, the SUAVES (Sorbonne University Visual Arts and Scientific Experiences) project is a scientific outreach and promotion programme that aims to…
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Three ISIR teams take part in Cybathlon 2024 competition
From October 25 to 27, 2024, three ISIR teams will be competing in the Cybathlon in Zurich, Switzerland. Thanks to their skills and research, the participants will have the opportunity to showcase technological advances in specific tasks linked to the daily lives of people with disabilities. The Cybathlon is a 4-yearly event…
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“Ingredients for Motion Planning-powered Reinforcement Learning”, HDR defence of Nicolas Perrin-Gilbert
Nicolas Perrin-Gilbert, CNRS research fellow, will be defending his habilitation to supervise research (HDR) on Thursday 17 October at 4.30pm at ISIR, on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus of Sorbonne University. Title of work: “Ingredients for Motion Planning-powered Reinforcement Learning”. The members of the jury are as follows: Summary:…
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L’IA au chevet des robots chirurgicaux
Source de l’article : CNRS Sciences Informatiques Comprendre les demandes d’un chirurgien et localiser les vertèbres d’un patient, ce n’est pas aux étudiants, mais aux robots, que Nicolas Thome veut l’apprendre. Ce professeur à Sorbonne Université, membre de l’Institut des systèmes intelligents et de robotique (ISIR – CNRS/Sorbonne Université) applique…
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Fête de la Science 2024 : Découvrez la recherche en robotique à l’ISIR
La Fête de la Science, événement national annuel, célèbre la recherche scientifique à travers des rencontres entre les chercheurs, chercheuses, enseignants-chercheurs et enseignantes-chercheuses et les publics dans des formats multiples et conviviaux. La Fête de la Science 2024 à Sorbonne Université aura lieu du 8 au 13 octobre sous le…