Mathilde Legrand, doctoral student in robotics at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (Isir)*, is one of the 35 winners of the L’Oréal – UNESCO Young Talents France 2020 Award for Women in Science.
The L’Oréal Foundation, alongside the Academy of Sciences and UNESCO, supports young women each year through the L’Oréal-UNESCO Young Talent Award for Women in Science. This prize rewards doctoral and post-doctoral students on the basis of the scientific quality of their work and aims to enable them to acquire visibility in order to foster the emergence of a new generation of women researchers.
Among the laureates, doctoral student Mathilde Legrand will be rewarded on Thursday afternoon, October 8, 2020, where she will present her work during the scientific exchange ceremony of the Young Talents France 2020.
Member of the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, she works within the AGATHE team, Assistance to Therapeutic Gestures and Applications, on a very innovative approach to the control of robotic prostheses. Her work focuses on control tools for arm prostheses for people who were born without arms or who have undergone amputation surgery.
*The Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (Isir) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR7222) under the supervision of Sorbonne University, The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Inserm (ERL-U1150). This multidisciplinary research laboratory brings together researchers and teacher-researchers from different disciplines of Engineering and Information Sciences as well as Life Sciences.