Source : LIRMM homage page to Philippe Coiffet

“Our colleague Philippe Coiffet passed away on 20 October 2023 following an illness that he was unable to overcome.

Yes, dear friend, the robotics community remembers… We remember that you were undeniably one of the pioneers of French robotics and that you contributed to its development. We remember your career, first at the LIRMM, where you created the first public robotics research team; then at the Paris Robotics Laboratory, of which you were one of the founders, and where you launched and directed research into service robotics and virtual reality; you were also the architect, with Kazuo Tanie, of the creation of the JRL international laboratory, with Japan, dedicated to research into humanoid robotics. We remember that you also worked to bring academia and industry closer together by creating and directing the CRIIF, teaching robotics in France and elsewhere, and publishing both technical and dissemination books, which are still widely read… Your many international collaborations testify to your open-mindedness. We thought your energy was inexhaustible, and had almost forgotten that you would be leaving us one day…

We’ll miss your touches of humour and your bonhomie, but your legacy will live on with us. This page will be a reflection of what you have spread.”

You can leave a personal message in homage to Philippe Coiffet on the LIRMM page.