On 20 April 2023, ISIR received a visit from Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Region, and Nathalie DRACH-TEMAM, President of Sorbonne University, on the occasion of the launch of the scientific DIM project AI4IDF “Human-centred artificial intelligence in Île-de-France”.

During this visit, Miroki was also present, as ISIR decided to acquire the first model of this robot, for the experimental platform of advanced robotics of the Île-de-France Region. The official launch of a collaboration with Enchanted Tools.

Jesus Mago, who did his thesis at ISIR with the company Haption, was able to show our Surgical Cockpit and talk about his transfer to the company Moon Surgical, for whom he now works. As for Nathanaël Jarrassé and Christophe Huchet, from the Smart ArM team from ISIR, they were able to present their participation in the Cybathlon and their project to create a cybathletics club in the Ile-de-France region.
DIM AI4IDF “Human-centred artificial intelligence in Ile-de-France”
Multidisciplinary scientific networks, created at the initiative of the Ile-de-France Region, the Major Interest Areas (Domaines d’intérêt majeur – DIM) aim to federate Ile-de-France research teams around shared themes.
The four main artificial intelligence institutes, DATAIA, Hi! PARIS, PRAIRIE and SCAI, propose to create an alliance to structure and animate the community and offer industrial and international partners a unified vision. The scientific programme of the AI4IDF project, led by Inria, aims to deepen knowledge in artificial intelligence while keeping humans at the centre of its concerns.