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Language and its semantics

Project “Language and its semantics”

The context

This working group is interested in the different forms of language (written text and oral language, speech and social signals, gesture, face, etc.) as well as in the notion of semantics that derives from it. At the intersection between automatic language processing, perception, cognitive sciences and robotics, language raises many issues from analysis to generation, whether in an individual or interactive context.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of application examples from our research areas:

– Taking into account hesitations, laughter and other social signals ;

– Linking speech and non-verbal behaviors ;

– Contextualized dialogues (history, task, interaction) / Question and answer systems ;

– Textual synthesis of information and interaction ;

– Recommendation and information retrieval ;

– Semantic analysis and representation ;

– Style or content variation.

The objectives

The objective of this group is to bring together researchers with different expertise around language.
To date, the activities set up are essentially discussion groups or scientific presentations with the objective of bringing out common interests.

In the long term, one of the challenges will be to set up co-supervision of trainees and/or PhD students around this theme or scientific mini-projects.

Partnerships and collaborations

The project “Language and its semantics” is a federative project, internal to the ISIR, which does not involve any collaboration outside the laboratory.

Project contact: projet-federateur-langage(at)listes.isir.upmc.fr

Project members

Catherine Pelachaud
Directrice de recherche CNRS
Laure Soulier
Maître de conférences HDR
Pierre Bessiere
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
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Isabelle Bloch
Raja Chatila
Professor Emeritus
Benjamin Piwowarski
Chargé de Recherche
Ludovic Saint-Bauzel
Maître de Conférences
Olivier Sigaud
Professeur des Universités